

Program Outcomes (PO\’s) :

A student passing B.E. in Civil Engineering from Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Institute of Technology, Panvel should be able to:

1: Develop Engineering knowledge and skill so that a student gains state-of-art knowledge of various disciplines of engineering viz. structural analysis and design, water resources engineering and hydraulics, transportation engineering, environmental engineering, geotechnical engineering, construction technology and management, building science and technology etc. along with basic knowledge of electrical and electronics, mechanical engineering and applied sciences. Overall skills are developed in all aspects of civil engineering.

2: Analyze and solve problems related to field of Civil Engineering and construction management.

3: Design different components of civil engineering structures using different materials and methods, viz. Foundation, public health engineering and sewerage structures, irrigation and water resources schemes, hydraulic structures, rigid an flexible pavements, buildings and bridge structures, special structures, etc.

4: Apply modern techniques and equipment’s in the design and construction of different projects. 5: understand and optimize the inculcated knowledge in the benefit of society, environment Without losing morals and ethic.

6: Work in team as well as an individual.

7: Involve and prepare for future trends and need by attempting problems beyond syllabi.

Program Educational Objectives:

  1. Attain Sound Engineering knowledge and use of modern tools effectively to solve real life problems (KNOWLEDGE)
  2. Attain need based skills and lifelong learning to ensure global employability(SKILL)
  3. Become successful professionals and responsible citizens with good leadership qualities and strong ethical values (PROFESSIONALISM)

HOD Message


Er. Shreyas Pander

Dear Students,

Civil engineering is the second-oldest Engineering discipline after Military Engineering. Civil Engineering is a professional engineering discipline that deals with the design, construction and maintenance of physically built works like roads, bridges, canals, dams and buildings. Earliest civil engineering works include pyramids in Egypt, Highways by roman engineers, Great Wall of China, Stupas in Sri Lanka, Qanat water management system which is 3000 years old and many more. The notable earliest civil engineering works include aqueducts, harbors, bridges, dams etc., built in several parts of the world. India’s first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Lal Nehru used the term Temples of Modern India while inaugurating Civil Engineering work, Bhakra Nangal Dam which facilitated the progress of India. These structures emphasizes the importance of Civil Engineer. Civil engineers are important to the society as they are often referred as ‘Builders of Nation’.

The Department of Civil Engineering at our institute with its multifaceted faculty maintains its strong links with the construction industry by engaging in consultancy activities. The students here are encouraged to engage extra-curricular and co-curricular activities which are essential for personality development, nurturing of team spirit and development of organizational skills. Our department is committed to provide students with a strong, broad based fundamental engineering education and prepare the students for a career in the industry, teaching and national laboratories.




To become a school excellence that brings out civil engineers with high technical competencies and promotes high-end research to meet the current and further challenges in civil engineering.


To generate experts in Civil Engineering field, useful for the Nation and the Society for its accelerated socio-economic growth in professional and challenging environment of the modern world, preserving human values.


Surveying/ Advanced Surveying

This laboratory provides an opportunity to students to learn about land surveying and measurement methods. Students gain familiarity with Ranging and Fixing of Survey Station, Plotting Building Block by offset with the help of cross staff, to determine the magnetic bearing of a line using surveyors compass, using prismatic compass and measurement and adjustment of included angles of traverse using prismatic compass. This lab also facilitates students about determining the reduced levels and to carry out profile leveling and plot longitudinal and cross sections for road using tilting levels and dumpy levels. Students also get an opportunity to learn to measure horizontal and vertical angles using theodolite, Total Station and determining horizontal and vertical distance by tachometric survey. Student’s conduct Double leveling, contouring, plane tabling etc.


Geotechnical Lab

In this lab students determine Grain size distribution by sieving, water content by Pycnometer, specific Gravity by Pycnometer, liquid limit by Casagrandes apparatus, liquid limit by cone penetrometer, plastic limit, shrinkage limit. Students are also being facilitated for determination of field density by core-cutter, Determination of field density by sand replacement method , determination of compaction properties by standard Proctor Test Apparatus, determination of C-Ø values by Direct Shear Test Apparatus , determination of unconfined compressive strength by unconfined compression test apparatus. Students also perform tests to determine the permeability of soil by constant and falling head methods, to determine the CBR of soil and to determine the grain size distribution of fine grained soil by Hydrometer.

Transportation Engineering

Road Material Testing lab provides facilities to students with hands-on experience to Aggregate impact test, Angularity number test, fineness modulus of a given sample of coarse aggregate. The lab is also equipped with the facility for Los angles Abrasion test, Aggregate crushing value test, Standard tar viscometer test , Specific gravity and water absorption test. Further, facility to determine the softening point for give sample of bitumen, Marshall stability test, Float test are also available along with team of experts and well equipped technicians.


Building Materials, Concrete Technology Lab

This lab has facility for various important test and experimental setups for determination of important properties of cement, aggregate and concrete mix for providing strong concepts and sound knowledge about the concrete technology. Experimental setups to determine Initialand Final setting time of cement, fineness of Cement, compressive strength of cement etc are available. This lab also facilitate the students for conducting various tests like slump test, compression factor test for concrete mix, sieve analysis to determine the fineness modulus of coarse aggregates and fine aggregates.


Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulics Lab

This lab provides an opportunity to students for verification of fundamental laws of fluid mechanics like Bernoulli’s theorem and study and calibration of various devices like Venturimeter, Orifice meter and notches. Students also deal with concept of met centric height and viscosity of fluid.


Environmental Engineering Lab

This laboratory supports research and teaching activities of the Environmental Engineering and provides facility to determine the pH of the sample of sewage, to determine Total Solids of the sewage sample, to determine the Total Dissolved Solids of the sewage sample, to find out Total Settle-able Solids of the sewage sample, to determine Total Suspended Solids of the sewage sample. Students also get an opportunity to determine Biochemical Oxygen Demand exerted by the wastewater sample and to find out Chemical Oxygen Demand of the waste water sample. An exposure about new trends in modern sanitary fitting is also given to students for sound knowledge about demand of modern industry.


Open Course Outcomes